My top 5 homemade soups recipes !!!
Hi you !
I'm going to tell you something, I love soups, I eat some almost every night in winter. So the irony is that today, it is really sunny where I am but I started my "soup season" as I call it. Hot or cold, I'm gonna tell you my 5 favorite soups of the moment ! 4°/
4°/ Brocoli
3°/ green soup
You just have to put some patatoes (according to the quantity and the texture you would like) and add every green thing you have : peas, leek, turnip carrot and radish tops, beans and some lentils, Let it cook. And it is done and so tasty !!!
2°/ Tomato soup
Last tomatoes of the season so I like to eat a lot and it is the the only opportunity to get some soups !
I use :
5 tomatoes, 2 patatoes, basil or herbs, some curry, some water to get the perfect consistence.
Let it cook and enjoy !
1°/ Zucchini gaspacho
It is not warm but it feels like all the good of summer in a plate
You'll need :
3 zucchini, 1 yogurt, the jus of a lemon, salt and peper, bunch of basil. You will steam the zucchini and drain to keep a cup of the jus. put everything in a blender and ... Blend !!
It is ready and so good ! So enjoy with the last zucchini of the season !
Tell me if you try !
Xoxo, Helene